Square of Saturn

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I told myself I wouldn’t make anymore posts until the ones I’ve got are smoothed out but if I waited to finish anything before posting it I don’t think I would have anything posted. I know, that’s a shitty way to run a website.

I get like three visitors a month, I’m not that worried about it. This is where I go to pretend my thoughts are important.

I had this strange revelation while writing about Hiro Isono and 1993’s Secret of Mana. It take’s a lot of background to set up. I hope you are familiar with ideas like The Tartarian Empire, Antiquitech, and Jordan Maxwell’s Cube Cult.

In brief:

There is this idea that the Great Tartarian Empire was a global civilization that had mastered zero-point (free) energy, vibrational healing, levitation, and all these other crazy things that might as well be magic from where we are sitting.

In this school of thought, Tartaria was only recently dismantled and purged from the historical record. The Napoleonic Wars and the industrial revolution were all part of the take-down and cover-up.

Jordan Maxwell famously postulated a cult of Saturn-worshippers at the apex of the global power structure.

In antiquity the planet Saturn was regarded as the Black Sun of the night. The furthest visible planet in the night sky has long been associated with malevolence, death, deprivation, and the underworld. 

In the Maxwellian school of thought, when the biblical Canaanites sacrified their children to Moloch it was Saturn Worship.

Roman historian Diodorus famously relates the rites of Carthiginian child sacrifice.  They would sacrifice their children by fire beneath an image of Cronus. Cronus is another name for Saturn.

I don’t know how the cube came to be related to Saturn, but Jordan Maxwell tells us it is a control symbol routinely employed by the Cult of Saturn to bind the worlds people, to box them in.

That’s why Catholic Christianity is symbolized by the cross; you can fold the cross into a cube.

The chief pilgrimage site for Muslims is the Kabbah in the city of Mecca. There is a giant black cube in the center of the kabbah, with a black stone that is believed to have come from a meteorite embedded in it. Worshippers walk around it in circles, not unlike the rings of Saturn.

The judge in black, black mortarboards when you graduate, the freemasonic t-square- these are all thought to represent the Black Cube Cult of Saturn Worship.

Which brings us to game developer Squaresoft.

For this thought experiment, we are just going to take Jordan Maxwell at face value. Ok, the cube cult is real. Obviously a popular game developer named SQUARE is one of their franchises.

What games are they responsible for? Only some of the hottest titles in the history of Japanese Role-Playing Games (JRPGs).

Now, lets take for granted that it’s also true what they say about Tartaria.

It was destroyed so that the evil Black Cube Cult could create a low-vibrational world where they glut their demonic appetites through a monopoly on the petrol economy.

The Black Cube Cult is of course constituted of the usual suspects; steel magnates, oil barons, the people who took the world off the gold standard and instituted the petro-dollar.

Petroleum products are everywhere; plastics, medicines, industrial products, construction materials, automobiles, airplanes. 

Petrol is carbon-based; and carbon has six protons, six electrons, and six neutrons.

666 the mark of the beast.

The carbon atom also has four bonding sites. How convenient; a cube shape. When you reduce things back to carbon, they turn to ash. Ash is black. Carbon is black. The Black Cube Cult worships matter and itself. The petrol economy was created to serve their ends, and their ends alone. It is anti-transcendence technology.

In this framework, we are taking for granted that a company like Squaresoft must be a propaganda arm pushing narratives favorable to the Cult of the Black Cube. Applying this filter to the conventional narrative of the Squaresoft JRPG, what insights can we glean?

Case Study: Secret of Mana (1993)

1993’s Secret of Mana for the Super Nintendo has the same plot as Hayao Miyazaki’s 1986 film Castle in the Sky

The advanced civilization that harnesses the Power of Mana to build a weaponized Sky Fortress is the bad guy. In Catle In the Sky, they used their Sky Fortress powered by magic to tyrannize the whole planet. Because that’s what you do when you’ve attained a position of strategic dominance. The Ultimate Weapon in an unassailable position, nuking snarky earth-bound kingdoms without so much as a possibility of retaliation.

It’s a standard narrative about the abuses of technological prowess and the evils of industrial civilization contrasted with the nobility of those who live in harmony with nature.

But what if this pattern is an inversion of what happened? What if the advanced civilization that harnessed the Power of Mana to attain god-like status…

what if they were the good guys?

What if the advanced civilization is a stand-in for Tartaria? What if the Power of Mana is a stand-in for zero-point antiquitech, and that’s why we all love the story so much?

Because somewhere inside, we remember the Floating World and the Sky Continent. We remember the pre-industrial world because it wasn’t that long ago-

And all these games that tell this story are accusing old Tartary of what the Cube Cult is guilty of?

Where is the truth, where is the lie in all this? I like to think the reason these games resonate is because on some level they are telling the truth.

But if you are up against a  satanic cult that deals in inversions of the truth, the only Right Way to look at the world is upside down and backward.